Working Groups & Subcommittees
Several working groups and subcommittees have been established by the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council to address specific issues or topics that require focused attention or that are best handled in smaller group settings. These groups meet periodically, when needed.
Working groups are composed of advisory council members as well as some non-members. All Working groups are chaired by a member of the council and function under the purview of the advisory council. A number of standing working groups have been formed to provide the council with ongoing input on such areas as education, research, conservation issues, and Chumash community interests. In addition, task-specific working groups are occasionally established to address specific issues, and then are disbanded once final advice is submitted to the advisory council. Working group meetings are open for public observation, and attendance is welcomed.
Subcommittees are small short-term groups formed by the Sanctuary Advisory Council and composed only of currently serving members.
The list below provides email links to advisory council and sanctuary staff contacts for each current working group and subcommittee. To inquire about a particular working group, contact the appropriate persons listed below. Information about past working groups and subcommittees is also shown below.
Current Working Groups
Research Activities Panel

The primary purpose of the Research Activities Panel is to review research priorities related to management of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, to promote, encourage and review research projects in the sanctuary, and to provide scientific advice to the Sanctuary Advisory Council. In addition the panel assists sanctuary management with the organization and dissemination of information about research activities within the sanctuary, and provides a mechanism for facilitating the integration of marine research and policy.
Chair: Phyllis Grifman
Sanctuary staff contact: Chris Caldow
Archived Past Meeting Notes (Sept 2004 - April 2015)
Key Objectives
- Advise sanctuary staff on conservation science issues that will influence policy (e.g., address research questions in the sanctuary management plan).
- Review of research issues and documents for SAC and sanctuary staff.
- Facilitate the exchange of regional research information and create opportunities for project coordination.
- Convey regional research needs and opportunities to the SAC.
Conservation Working Group

The purpose of the Conservation Working Group is to advise and make recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council on sanctuary-related issues of concern or interest to the conservation community, such as anthropogenic noise, open ocean aquaculture, and ocean acidification.
Chair: Kristen Hislop
Sanctuary staff contact: Sean Hastings
Archived Meeting Notes (Nov. 2009 - May 2015)
CWG Reports Prepared for the Sanctuary Advisory Council:
- Council-Adopted Report: Anthropogenic Noise in the Sanctuary (2004)
- Council-Endorsed Report: Open Ocean Aquaculture (2007)
- Council-Adopted Report: Ocean Acidification and the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (2008)
Chumash Community Working Group

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary is a place of important cultural significance for the Chumash people. The Chumash Community Working Group advises and makes recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council concerning Chumash community-related issues, activities, or interests at or near the Channel Islands.
Co-Chairs: Eva Pagaling, Tano Cabugos
Sanctuary staff liaison: Michael Murray
Sanctuary Education Team

The Sanctuary Education Team advises and makes recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council on marine educational issues related to the sanctuary. These include education strategies, programs and products that support community engagement in understanding the Channel Islands marine reserves network, ocean acidification impacts to local resources, and reducing ship strikes on large whales feeding in the sanctuary.
Chair: Cliff Rodrigues
Sanctuary staff contact: Julie Bursek
Recreational Fishing Working Group

The Recreational Fishing Working Group advises and makes recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council regarding recreational fishing-related issues in sanctuary waters surrounding the Channel Islands.
Chair: Captain David Bacon
Sanctuary staff liaison: Sean Hastings
Current Subcommittees
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council subcommittees are formed occasionally to address short-term tasks or issues. The council utilizes subcommittees and ad hoc groups to organize members into small working units based on shared interests or expertise, or simply given a need to work more efficiently in a smaller group setting. Subcommittees and ad hoc groups are composed only of advisory council members or alternates. For more information, contact the individuals listed below.
Marine Debris Subcommittee

The Marine Debris Subcommittee was formed by the Sanctuary Advisory Council in 2020 to provide advice on the development of a marine debris action plan within the developing revised Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan.
Chair: To Be Determined
Staff Support Contact: Mike Murray
Climate Change Subcommittee

The Climate Change Subcommittee was formed by the Sanctuary Advisory Council in 2020 to provide advice on the development of a climate change action plan within the developing revised Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan.
Chair: Samantha Macks-Franz
Staff Support Contact: Mike Murray
Currently Innactive Working Groups and Subcommittees
The following groups were previously formed by the advisory council but have not been holding meetings. They could become active again in the future if a need arises. Contact the listed members and sanctuary personnel belore for information.
Commercial Fishing Working Group
The Commercial Fishing Working Group advises and makes recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council regarding commercial fishing-related issues in sanctuary waters surrounding the Channel Islands.
Chair: To be determined if/when group returns to activity
Sanctuary Staff Liaison: Sean Hastings
Archive of Past Meeting Notes: 05-14-01 Fishing Working Group Meeting Notes
Marketing Subcommittee
The Marketing Subcommittee advises and makes recommendations to the Sanctuary Advisory Council (in 2013) that will help enhance the visibility and marketability of the sanctuary and contribute to the sustainability of sanctuary programs.
Chair: Michael Cohen
Sanctuary staff contact: Mike Murray
Archive of Past Meeting Notes (September 2012 - January 2013)
Former SAC Working Groups and Subcommittees (disbanded)
Marine Shipping Working Group
Status: Disbanded, Work Complete
The Marine Shipping Working Group brought together stakeholders, agencies, experts, and industry representatives to develop recommendations on: reducing the risk of ship strikes on endangered whales; decreasing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions; improving navigational safety and promoting efficient maritime shipping throughout the region; and reducing conflicts with other ocean users (e.g., naval operations.). The group's final report was subsequently endorsed by the full advisory council
Former Co-Chairs: Kristi Birney and Phyllis Grifman
Staff Liaison: Sean Hastings
Marine Shipping Working Group Final Report
Subcommittee on Large Cetaceans and Shipping
Status: Concluded
With regard to the possibility of large ships striking blue whales within the Santa Barbara Channel region, the Subcommittee on Large Cetaceans and Shipping made short term recommendations in 2008 to the sanctuary advisory council on precautionary steps and emergency response actions that agencies and other parties can take.
Former Members: Dianne Black, Linda Krop, Dr. Robert Warner, Russell Galipeau, LTJG Brittany Steward, Elizabeth Petras, Capt. Manfred H.K. (Manny) Aschemeyer, Steven Schwartz
Sanctuary Staff Liaison: Sean Hastings
Military Working Group
Status: Concluded
The Military Working Group helped inform the management plan revision process (in 2000), making recommendations to the sanctuary advisory council concerning military-related issues, activities, or interests at or near the Channel Islands.
Former Chair: Steven Schwartz
Sanctuary Staff Contact: Michael Murray
Past Meeting Notes: Summary of Public Forum on Military and Coast Guard Activities (2000)
Ports and Harbors Working Group
Status: Disbanded
The Water Quality Subcommittee helped to inform the management plan revision process (in 2000) regarding: 1) providing the sanctuary advisory council with information about water quality programs, organizations, and issues along the Santa Barbara and Ventura County coasts, the Santa Barbara Channel, and the Channel Islands; 2) providing advice on how the council should proceed with regard to developing a recommendation on how Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary should address water quality threats to sanctuary resources.
Former Chair: Greg Helms
Sanctuary Staff Liaison: Michael Murray
Water Quality Subcommittee
Status: Disbanded
The Water Quality Subcommittee helped to inform the management plan revision process (in 2000) regarding: 1) providing the sanctuary advisory council with information about water quality programs, organizations, and issues along the Santa Barbara and Ventura County coasts, the Santa Barbara Channel, and the Channel Islands; 2) providing advice on how the council should proceed with regard to developing a recommendation on how Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary should address water quality threats to sanctuary resources
Former Chair: Greg Helms
Sanctuary Staff Liaison: Michael Murray
Ad Hoc Group on Socio-Economic Monitoring of Marine Reserves
Status: Disbanded
The Ad Hoc Group on Socio-Economic Monitoring of Marine Reserves worked closely with NOAA economists to provide advice on how the advisory council and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary should proceed with regard to developing a socio-economic monitoring program for marine reserves.
Former Chair: Lyn Krieger
Sanctuary Staff Liaison: Sean Hastings
Marine Reserves Working Group
In session from: August 1999 - May 2001
The advisory council appointed members to the Marine Reserves Working Group in 1999. The group met in facilitated sessions through mid-2001, working by consensus to develop a package of advice on the potential placement of no-take marine reserves and limited-take marine conservation areas within the sanctuary arranged in a network design. They received information and guidance from the council's Science Advisory Panel on Marine Reserves, and a Socioeconomic Advisory Panel on Marine Reserves. Their final body of advice was adopted by the full sanctuary advisory council.
Former Co-chair: Patty Wolf
Former staff liaison: Sean Hastings
Science Advisory Panel on Marine Reserves
In session from: August 1999 - May 2001
The advisory council's Science Advisory Panel provided technical support and information to the advisory council's Marine Reserves Working Group regarding the effective design of no-take zones to achieve working group goals.
Former Chair: Dr. Matthew Cahn
Former staff liaison: Dr. Satie Airame
Socioeconomic Panel on Marine Reserves
In session from: August 1999 - May 2001
The Socioeconomic Panel on Marine Reserves provided technical support and information to the advisory council's Marine Reserves Working Group to estimate the potential socioeconomic impacts from proposed no-take zone proposals.
Former Panel Lead: Dr. Robert Leeworthy, NOAA
- History of the Community-Based Process on Marine Reserves at the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (1999-2001)
- 2003 Stakeholder Recommendations for Monitoring of Channel Islands Marine Reserves
- CINMS Social Science Plan: Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring of Marine Reserves and Conservation Areas (2007)
Ad-Hoc Group on Biological Monitoring of Marine Reserves
In session from: January 2002 - May 2002
Former Chair: Dr. Robert Warner Former staff liaison: Michael Murray
Business Working Group
Status: Disbanded
To better inform the sanctuary advisory council, this working group held a series of community meetings to supporting discussions about how the sanctuary relates to and helps support local businesses.
Former Chairs: Michael Hanrahan, Bill Spicer
Sanctuary support staff: Michael Murray
Archive of Past Meeting Notes: 07-15-03 BWG Meeting Summary