Sanctuary Advisory Council

The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council is a community-based body that provides a public forum for consultation and deliberation on resource management issues affecting the waters surrounding the Channel Islands. Since its establishment in 1998, the council has played a vital role advising sanctuary staff and NOAA on decisions affecting the sanctuary. Council members contribute valuable advice and expertise to inform sound management decisions, and their public meetings provide a community forum for learning and discussion about important marine conservation issues.
The council's membership is comprised of 21 voting members and 21 alternates that represent the general public, tourism, business, recreational fishing, commercial fishing, non-consumptive recreation, education, research, conservation and Chumash community interests, as well as local, state, and federal government agencies. The non-agency seats on the council are periodically open for membership application, with selected individuals appointed by NOAA for voluntary two-year terms.
The council meets bi-monthly in public sessions located throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. Public participation at these meetings is welcomed and encouraged. Additional information on how the council conducts its business can be found in the council's charter and additional guiding protocols.
Several working groups and subcommittees have been created by the council. These sub-groups of the council bring in additional community members and experts to focus on specific issues. Some working groups meet on a bi-monthly basis, while others meet less frequently.
To receive emailed notifications about upcoming public meetings of the advisory council, send a request to
Thank you for your interest in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council. For more information, contact Bella Doohan at or 805-893-6418.