Marine Reserves

The network of marine reserves and marine conservation areas within Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary were created in partnership between NOAA and the state of California. These zones encompass approximately 20% or 241 square nautical miles (318 square miles) of the sanctuary, and are designed to:
- Protect and restore habitats and ecosystems.
- Provide a refuge for all sea life.
- Provide reference areas for research and educational opportunities.
- Protect our nation's marine natural heritage for future generations.
Managing, monitoring and enforcing the network of marine reserves and conservation areas is a collaborative effort requiring close coordination with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Channel Islands National Park, the U.S. Coast Guard, the Sanctuary Advisory Council, the University of California and other academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

Marine Reserves - the following activities are prohibited
- Harvesting, removing, taking, injuring, destroying, collecting, moving, or causing the loss of any sanctuary resource, or attempting any of these activities.
- Possessing fishing gear on board a vessel unless such gear is stowed and not available for immediate use.
- Possessing any sanctuary resource, except legally harvested fish on board a vessel at anchor or in transit.
Marine Conservation Areas - the following activities are prohibited (note exceptions):
- Harvesting, removing, taking, injuring, destroying, collecting, moving, or causing the loss of any sanctuary resource, or attempting any of these activities, except:
- Recreational fishing for pelagic finfish; or
- Commercial and recreational fishing for lobster.
- Possessing fishing gear on board a vessel, except legal fishing gear used to fish for lobster or pelagic finfish, unless such gear is stowed and not available for immediate use.
- Possessing any sanctuary resource, except legally harvested fish.
Additional Resources
- California Marine Protected Areas hosted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Island Marine Protected Areas - Regulations and Maps
- Brochure: Protecting Your Channel Islands
- Santa Barbara Channel MPA Collaborative
- California MPAs: South Coast Region
- Interactive MPA Map - Explore Southern California's Marine Protected Areas
- Social Science Plan: Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring of Marine Reserves and Conservation Areas (2007)
Partners in Monitoring
- PISCO - Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coasts and Oceans
- California Ocean Science Trust MPA Monitoring Enterprise
- Channel Islands National Park - Kelp Forest Monitoring Program
- Marine Applied Research & Exploration
- Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas: First 5 Years of Monitoring: 2003-2008
- PISCO: Channel Islands MPAs After 10 Years